Manage Devices Spotify App

-->Spotify how to remove device

Launch the Spotify app on your iPhone or Android device. In the 'Home' menu, select the gear icon in the top right-hand corner to access your Spotify settings. Select 'Devices' from the menu list. Tap 'Devices' to access the menu. Meira Gebel/Business Insider 4. Select 'Devices. There is no way to remove a single device from your offline devices. If you mark offline playlists on any devices you want them on (max 3) then the system should remove any you don't use (in a circular fashion, so adding a 4th device will remove whichever was added first). If you would like all of your devices wiped clean, just post on this topic.


Manage Devices Spotify App Subscription

If you're using Basic Mobility and Security, there might be devices that you can't manage with Basic Mobility and Security. If so, you should block Exchange ActiveSync app access to Microsoft 365 email for mobile devices that aren't supported by Basic Mobility and Security. This helps secure your organization information across more devices.

Use these steps:

Spotify Offline Device

  1. Sign in to Microsoft 365 with your global admin account.

  2. In your browser, type:


    If this is the first time you're using MDM for Microsoft 365 Business Standard, activate it here: Activate Mobile Device Management. After you've activated it, manage your devices with Office 365 Security & Compliance.

  3. Go to Data loss prevention > Device management > Device policies, and select Manage organization-wide device access settings.

  4. Select Block.

  5. Select Save.

To learn what devices Basic Mobility and Security supports, see Capabilities of Basic Mobility and Security.

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